Author. Professor. Biblical Scholar.

North Park Theological Seminary, Chicago
Join us in person or online, February 14-15, 2025, for our 2025 Symposium on the Theological Interpretation of Scripture.
How can Christian ...
North Park Theological Seminary, Chicago
Oxford University Press Erin Van Laningham, Ed.
Coming chapter tentatively titled:
"Rituals Enhance Classroom Learning and Build Vocational Insights" for the Network on Vocation in Underg...
Oxford University Press Erin Van Laningham, Ed.
" need to know experientially and not clinically what the [book] is about. No summary or critique will do it justice. Fogg’s writing is engaging, her storytelling is captivating, her ability to move between story and theology is compelling. She breathes life into the biblical text, giving it context—both ancient and modern—and challenging readers to then act upon what is plainly presented to them."
--Josh Olds, Life is A Story, review.
Reviews of Finding Jesus...
Conversations with Julia Fogg
Finding Holy, interview by Ashley Hales 3.31.2021
Point of View interview with Kerby Anderson 7.7.2020
Interview with Dr. Scott Chiu, "Why I Write" 6.2020 (unedited version)
Faculty Panel Discussion of Finding Jesus at the Border... California Lutheran University, 4.2020
Excerpts from Finding Jesus...
CLU Magazine 3.17.2020
The Christian Century 4.7.2020
Outreach Magazine 5.11.2020
"A beautifully written, well-researched, painfully moving book that invites all believers to read Scripture in a new way. Reading this book involves pain, hope, and challenge. Any church community that reads it prayerfully will never be the same again!"
Justo L. González, immigrant, church historian, and theologian
"Jesus's exhortation to love one's neighbor as oneself is the simplest and most profound spiritual teaching in human history. His story and teachings dovetail with the journeys of so many of our immigrant neighbors, as Julia Lambert Fogg explores with such compassion in her expert and moving book. Jesus came from a family of immigrants, after all, and as he famously said, 'I was a stranger, and you welcomed me.'"
Rainn Wilson, actor and writer
"Julia Fogg shows that the scriptural trajectory of refugees' border crossings--out of peril into safety, out of oppression into promise--does not end with Jesus and the Bible but continues into today in the living stories of migrants."
Barbara Rossing, professor of New Testament and environmental ministry coordinator, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
"At a time when many Christians say that the US has no responsibility to house refugees fleeing war and violence in their home countries, Finding Jesus at the Border feels like a breath of fresh air. Regardless of your religious beliefs, Julia Lambert Fogg has done all of us a service by asking, 'What would Jesus do?' were he confronted with the inhumanity of our current immigration laws."
Reza Aslan, author of Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth
"The issue of immigrant rights, like that of economic justice, requires little translation between the Bible and our time. Vulnerable people who are pushed and pulled by the tidal forces of powerful empires are central subjects of both Testaments. Fogg's work is an engaging addition to the literature that reads Word and world with attention to the displaced and dispossessed who are forced to cross borders."
Ched Myers, coauthor of Our God Is Undocumented: Biblical Faith and Immigrant Justice
"This is a moving account of a personal journey into the immigrant world and how it led to a new understanding of Christian faith and Scripture. Fogg creatively interweaves immigrant stories with biblical passages, showing how those experiences can help us read the Bible with fresh eyes. But the goal is not just to inform her readers; she wants to motivate them into action. A challenging read indeed!"
M. Daniel Carroll R., Wheaton College; author of The Bible and Borders
Arriving Oct 10th, 2023
Writing Oct 11-12th
8-9am Breakfast Hour
share homemade food
& writing goals for the day
5-6pm Hosted Happy Hour
enjoy local wines & appetizers
celebrate writing wins
Options for an afternoon off
* Local Wine Tasting in San Luis Obispo/ Paso Robles
* Group Water Color lesson (sign up in advance)
* Local beaches, elephant seals, otters
"When I explain the Carnegie hour chart of required “independent student learning” hours in the syllabus, students laugh. When I mention Carnegie hours to faculty, they roll their eyes. Why?"
"...perhaps our syllabi can take into account a new student profile that anticipates their lack of sleep, increased anxiety, loneliness, depression, and even fear of classroom engagement. Perhaps reconfiguring the “problem” of the Carnegie independent student learning hour offers a solution."
Teachers Teaching "After" Covid...
published March 2022
Dr. Fogg is a featured panelist with the Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies at USC, with Rev. vănThanh Nguyễn, SVD, of the Catholic Theological Union, Rev. Erik Berrelleza, S.J. of Santa Clara University, and moderated by Alejandra Molina, reporter, Religion News Service.
More INFO on Neighbors at The Border WEBINAR
Rev. Dr. Julia Lambert Fogg preaching at Simi Valley UCC, July 2021
Rev. Dr. Julia Lambert Fogg speaks with Leadership Foundations
As Christians, how should we respond to the current crisis?
Dr. Fogg inspires Christians to advocate for immigrant justice in their communities.
by embracing DREAMers, the undocumented, asylum seekers, and immigrants.
of their comfort zones and learn to cross social, ethnic, and religious borders--just as Jesus did--to become the body of Christ in the world.
“Immigration, Migration and Border Crossing: Scenarios from the College Classroom.” Chapter 15 in Global Lutheranism: Vitality and Challenges. Edited by Peter Vethanayagamony and F. Voelker Griefenhagen. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Lutheran University Press, 2018.
“Philippians.” Pages 543-556. In The New Testament Fortress Commentary on the Bible. Edited by Margaret Aymer, Cynthia Briggs Kittredge, David A. Sánchez. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2014.
“All the Senses of Revelation 8: Experiencing First Century Rhetorical Strategies,” in Teaching the Bible: Practical Strategies for Classroom Instruction, (ed. Patrick Gray and Mark Roncace; Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, November 2005).
“Paul’s Letter to the Philippians: A Lesson in Citizenship,” in Teaching the Bible: Practical Strategies for Classroom Instruction, (ed. Patrick Gray and Mark Roncace; Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, November 2005).
“Visual Exegesis: An Introduction to Biblical Interpretation,” in Teaching the Bible: Practical Strategies for Classroom Instruction, (ed. Patrick Gray and Mark Roncace; Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, November 2005).
“Galatians,” The CEB Women’s Bible. Edited by Jaime Clark-Soles: Contemporary English Bible, UMC Publishing House, 2016.
“Ephesians,” The CEB Women’s Bible. Edited by Jaime Clark-Soles: Contemporary English Bible, UMC Publishing House, 2016.
“Colossians,” The CEB Women’s Bible. Edited by Jaime Clark-Soles: Contemporary English Bible, UMC Publishing House, 2016.
“Mark,” The CEB Student Bible. Edited by Elizabeth Corrie. Nashville, TN: Contemporary English Bible, UMC Publishing House. August 2015.
“2 Corinthians,” The CEB Student Bible. Edited by Elizabeth Corrie. Nashville, TN: Contemporary English Bible, UMC Publishing House. August 2015.
“1 Thessalonians,” The CEB Student Bible. Edited by Elizabeth Corrie. Nashville, TN: Contemporary English Bible, UMC Publishing House. August 2015.
“2 Thessalonians,” The CEB Student Bible. Edited by Elizabeth Corrie. Nashville, TN: Contemporary English Bible, UMC Publishing House. August 2015.
“Galatians,” The CEB Student Bible. Edited by Elizabeth Corrie. Nashville, TN: Contemporary English Bible, UMC Publishing House. August 2015.
“Philippians,” The CEB Student Bible. Edited by Elizabeth Corrie. Nashville, TN: Contemporary English Bible, UMC Publishing House. August 2015.
“James,” The CEB Student Bible. Edited by Elizabeth Corrie. Nashville, TN: Contemporary English Bible, UMC Publishing House. August 2015.
“Comentario del San Juan 18:1-19:42,” April 19, 2019. Working Preacher Commentary, an on-line journal en español. Edited by Andrés Albertsen.
“Comentario del San Juan 20:1-18,” April 21, 2019. Working Preacher Commentary, an on-line journal en español. Edited by Andrés Albertsen.
“Comentario del San Juan 20:19-31,” April 28, 2019. Working Preacher Commentary, an on-line journal en español. Edited by Andrés Albertsen.
“Comentario del San Juan 21:1-19,” May 5, 2019. Working Preacher Commentary, an on-line journal en español. Edited by Andrés Albertsen.
“Comentario del San Juan 1:1-9 (10-18),” January 3, 2016. Working Preacher Commentary, an on-line journal en español. Edited by Andrés Albertsen.
“Comentario del San Lucas 2:1-14, (15-20),” Dec 24, 2015. Working Preacher Commentary, an on-line journal en español. Edited by Andrés Albertson.
“Comentario del San Lucas 2:41-52,” Dec 27, 2015.Working Preacher Commentary, an on-line journal en español. Edited by Andrés Albertson.
“Comentario del San Juan 1:1-9 (10-18),” January 3, 2016. Working Preacher Commentary, an on-line journal en español. Edited by Andrés Albertson.
“Comentario del San Mateo 2:1-12,” January 6, 2016.Working Preacher Commentary, an on-line journal en español. Edited by Andrés Albertson.
“A Response to ‘Personalized vs. Parallel Eating,’” Leaven: Vol 20:1 (2012): article 5. Available at:
“God’s Story in Scripture: Border Crossing.” The Practice Discipleship Initiative written for The Network, and presented at Extravaganza Youth Conference, Jan 2015. Available on-line:
“Story in Scripture.” The Practice Discipleship Initiative, March 3, 2015.
“Prepping Class with Newspaper in Hand.” Seminarium: Elements of Great Teaching, August 25 2014.,.
“Sustainable Service Learning: A SLO Transformation.” Seminarium: Elements of Great Teaching, July 11, 2014,
Creation of on-line and in-class Teaching Materials for Introducing the New Testament: A Historical Literary and Theological Survey, by Mark Allen Powell, Baker Publishing, 2009.
“Antioch.” Society of Biblical Literature’s Bible Odyssey. June 2014,
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